AP Biology: A Biological Collection

A Biological Collection by Halim Choucair

Monday, August 13, 2012


Pollen is the fertilizing element of flowering plants that consists of fine, yellow grains in the masses. Pollen is found on the inside of a flower on the anthers, pictured here in a flower outside my house.

Connective Tissue

Connective tissue is tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs. A perfect example of connective tissue is elbow skin, mine pictured from my house. 

Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction is the reproduction without the fusion of gametes. Plants reproduce asexually. The beautiful flowers pictured outside my house would not exist without the possibility of asexual reproduction.

Vestigial Structures

Vestigial structures are function-less organs or body parts of organisms that were once useful to their ancestors. In my drawing of a whale, I portray the spine and the femur and pelvic bones of the whale. Although once useful in the past, whales have no need for the femur and pelvic bones anymore, making them vestigial structures.

Vascular Plant

A vascular plant is one that has lignified tissues to carry water, nutrients, and minerals throughout the plant. The plant pictured outside my house has visible lines that are the lignified tissues used by the plant to distribute the necessary components to survive.


Tropism is the orientation of an organism by growth rather than movement toward an outside stimulus. Blocked by a shadow, the plant pictured outside my house grows outward rather than straight up in order to receive the necessary sunlight for its survival.


A protein is a organic molecule made of 20 or more amino acids found in various food sources as a vital and necessary diet component for nonsynthesising living organisms. Protein can be found in chicken, pictured here from my kitchen already skinned and prepared for human consumption in order to provide those necessary diet components for survival.


A population are all the individuals of one species living in one area. My picture of the same type of plants living in the same area outside my house accurately depicts the definition of population.


A pollinator is an organism that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower for fertilization. My picture is of a wasp, a common pollinator in nature, outside my house.


Parasitism is the relation between organisms in which one lives as a parasite on and benefits from another. A great example of parasitism is fleas on a dog, portrayed here from my house.

Lipid for Energy Storage

Walnuts are a source a huge source of lipids. My picture of walnuts was taken in my kitcken. Lipids are a broad group of fats, waxes, oils, monoglycerides, phospholipids, and others. Their main tasks include energy storage and structuring the cell membrane.

Keystone Species

My drawing of a starfish is an example of a keystone species, which refers to a species whose effect on its environment is disproportionately greater than its population. A starfish in the Northwest Pacific preys on the common mussel, which allows other macroinvertibrates to live, allowing community diversity in its habitat.

Introduced Species

An introduced species is one that lives outside its native habitat, introduced by humans accidentally or on purpose. Cats are not native to New Zealand, but today they can be found in that part of Oceania. My drawing is of a cat in New Zealand.


A heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce its own food and is dependent on other organisms in order to gain the nutrients for its survival. My drawing of a bear has a bear eating a fish in order to gain nutrients to survive the long winter.

Genetic Variation

In my drawing of bunnies, there are multiple white bunnies, but only one brown. Genetic variation refers to a variation among alleles of a gene found in populations of all sizes. My picture accurately depicts genetic variation taking place.

Flower Ovary

A flower ovary houses the ovules and will become the fruit after pollination. In the case of the strawberry plant, when fertilized, it produces strawberries, shown here after being pictured at my house. 


My drawing of a crab is an example of an exoskeleton, which is the external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body. 


The picture of my brother serves as the perfect example of a diploid organism. A diploid organism is an organism that contains two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. This picture was taken at my house. 


My drawing of fungi is a perfect example of a detritivore since a detritivore is an organism that gets its nutrients from dead organisms.


An autotroph is an organism that produces its own food and nutrients necessary to survive. Since a tree qualifies, my picture of one right outside my house is a perfect example.

Segmented Body Animal

My drawing of a butterfly is related to the term "segmented body animal" because a butterfly, indeed, has segments to their body, including the head, thorax, and abdomen. A segmented body animal is one whose body is divided among a series of repetitive segments.

Analogous Structure

An analogous structure is one that is shared among different species and performs the same task, but are not from the common ancestor. The picture of my dog's legs and my brother's arm relate to the term because although both are limbs and perform the same task of supporting the body, they did not originate from a common ancestor.

Amniotic Egg

My picture of an egg was taken in my house. My picture of the egg relates to an amniotic egg because it is an egg that was laid by a bird (chicken). An amniotic egg refers to the type of egg produced by reptiles, birds, and egg-laying mammals, in which the embryo develops inside an amnion.

Adaptation in a Plant

In my drawing of a plant adaptation, the smaller tree is not able to receive sunlight because the bigger tree is blocking its light. Thus, the tree grows outward, toward the light, in order to survive. A plant adaptation is a trait the special features that allow a plant to live in a particular place or habitat.

Adaptation in an Animal

My drawing of a Mohave jackrabbit depicts animal adaptations because these jackrabbits have developed large ears filled with shallow blood vessels that allow their blood to cool through circulation. An animal adaptation is a trait with a function in the life of an organism, which is maintained and evolved by natural selection.